Why You Binge Eat and How to Stop for Good: I is for Identity

I is for Identity.

The truth is, likely, you have been who you have needed to be instead of who you really are. Is that true?

Have you been more concerned with making sure you are what everyone else expects you to be? I know I was. I never wanted to make anyone else unhappy or uncomfortable. And I didn’t want to make anyone mad at me.

Watch this invaluable clip to dive deeper.


Why You Bing Eat and How to Stop for Good: Being in the Present Moment

Why you binge eat and how to stop for good.

January is here. And that means millions of people are making millions of promises. But they basically fall into 4 categories: Make more money, be happier, find love, or lose weight.

Today, I’m going to talk about losing the weight. I’m just not going to talk about it in the traditional sense that everyone else does.

Because, I’m not after the dieters.

I’m after my people: The BINGERS.

The ones who obsessively search for the latest Keto Diet, or whatever else will promise to end the cycle once and for all and then promptly end up eating a sheet cake.

I know, because I’ve been there…digging in the trash, pulling out the cookies and dusting away the coffee grinds (that I poured on them).

I’m also no stranger to diets.

In another life, I was the Director of Training and Development for a company called LA Weight Loss. And they had hundreds of locations all over the world.

So, I was entrenched in diet plans: theirs and everyone else’s in the industry because I had to know what our competitors were up to.

Now mind you, while I was teaching people how to eat 2 starches, 3 vegetables, and 3 fruits, I was stuck in a cycle of bingeing and restricting that went on for a decade.

It was Hell.

I know you know what that’s like, given you’re reading this post and watching the videos.

I know now that diet plans are band aids on flesh wounds that set people like us up for the binge/restrict cycle.

We are not meant to DIEt. We are meant to find a LIVit.

If we’re going to recover, we must be willing to get under the hood and see what’s truly driving us. And then commit to living a new way.

If you know me, you know I love a good acronym. And today’s is BINGE.

In a series of videos, I am going to lead you through each of these points.

My intention is that you find self-awareness and learn what you need to do in order to gain real control of your life and your happiness. As always, I would be honored to be a lighthouse on your path, working along side you to help you change your life.

Let’s get started with the B….

Being in the Present moment.

For us, being in our own skin is uncomfortable. There’s nothing we want less than to have to feel our feelings. The present moment is awkward when you have anxiety or depression. In the video, watch me explain how this shows up.


5 Things You Must Ditch to Have Your Best Year Ever



You know that feeling you get on your way to work some days? The one that lives in the pit of your stomach right underneath the dream you buried?

You know that friend that texts you and you don’t want to actually read the message for fear a read receipt will go through and you have zero intention on actually responding?

You know that sex you’ve been meaning to have with your husband for the last month except you keep pretending you’re asleep?

Yes. I’m talking about dread. And if you’re going to have a kick ass year, you cannot afford to continue to kill your spirit slowly with this dull knife of dread anymore!


Winner, loser, over-comer, shy, lazy, stupid, fat, too old, too smart, poor, unlucky in love, alcoholic, over-achiever, depressed, anxious, loner…

These are a few of the things I’ve called myself over the years that continued to keep me stuck. Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Bullshit.

Words HURT.

And we always think that it’s somewhere out there…

There’s someone else who’s keeping me down or who won’t let me be who I know I really am.

But, the only voice we hear is our own.

Toxic People, places, or things.

Sometimes, you must walk away from people you think you love, or that you should love.

But loyalty keeps people stuck.

I know. I used to be a ride or die too. But your loyalty is undeserved in most cases.


What are you pretending not to know?

Confusion sucks. It’s purgatory. And often, we mentally masturbate over the same issues repeatedly to no avail.

The Hard Way.

Likely you’ve earned things the hard way at the school of hard knocks.

But do you know that struggle is optional? It truly is. And I can tell you that after decades of swimming upstream, overcoming, and punching my way through life that there is a better way!

If you love what you hear, please subscribe or send me an email.

Let’s talk.